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TOP 8 questions about visual training
What should clients or parents consider when researching visual training online?

As with any subject, research requires critical attention to the source of the information. Visual training is a fairly established field within optometry in America. I would therefore recommend that the reader find most credibility in information that is available on optometric websites, or that is provided by patient or parent organizations that view the subject objectively. Readers need to be aware that some websites misrepresent vision training . Various types of vision training are also communicated.



My heterophoria has been corrected with glasses. Do I have to have this checked?

With prism glasses, the prisms change frequently or should be reduced.  According to many functional optometrists, heterophoria is a misdirection of the movement muscles of a pair of eyes by the visual center. Through visual training, the processes in the visual center can be "reprogrammed" and thus normalized. A prism reduction benefits from the fact that the eye muscles are approx. 200% oversized and therefore have large reserves. With the help of visual training, a prism reduction or stabilization is very well possible.


Does health insurance cover that?

Unfortunately not yet, the costs have to be borne privately.

After 2 hours of PC work I have eye problems or a headache –  the eyes are examined  glasses available, but no significant improvement. What should I do?

In  Eye training helps in precisely such cases. The cause is usually a lack of flexibility in the eyes. Often the relation between focus and eye movement is imbalanced. Then the visual center in the brain works hard to compensate for this error. The receipt are the problems described.


Why didn't the ophthalmologist or optician inform me?

The ophthalmologist is a specialist in eye diseases, anatomy of the eye, the neurologist for the brain connections and the optician for the technical measurement, the visual training is a field of optometry, orthoptists know best about it  Notice. The ZVA, WVAO, BOAF and various associations/organizations are working to establish this important work, such as  eg speech therapy.

What is the difference between heterophoria ("hidden squinting") and real squinting?

A heterophoria is a misalignment of the eyes that can be compensated independently by using energy using muscles and nerves. If the energy reserves are exhausted, exertion complaints arise. If this compensation mechanism cannot be maintained over the long term, visual problems appear.
Squinting is an eye position error in which the client cannot independently compensate for the deviation. He lacks the control or strength to focus his eyes on the same point at the same time.


Can myopia be permanently reduced?

Yes, if the short-sightedness is due to a changing lens in the eye. In every human being, ametropia consists of a functional part and a structural part. The functional part is the part that is subject to fluctuations. This part can be influenced very well by visual training.
The structural part is z. B. the overall length of an eye. Here the function has already changed the organ, then there is almost no opportunity to make changes to the structure. The distribution of the shares can be determined by visual analysis.


Dyslexic or dyslexia?

Dyslexia is therefore a genetic (inherited) problem in the area of reading and writing. New research shows that chromosomes 1, 2, 6, 15 and 18 play a role.

Dyslexia, on the other hand, is an acquired weakness. Reasons for this can e.g. B. longer illness and the associated school failure, wrong learning - or teaching methods, family problems, visual perception disorders, different development in the growth phase. be.

A differentiation between the two terms is rarely if ever made in German-speaking countries. However, this should be done, because the funding approaches are different! Visual training works on promoting LRS - sensory perception and processing as well as their reproduction.

Arrange an appointment with us now:

Claudia Scheible-Dimou

Johannes-Aberle-Str. 2

78112 St. Georgen



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