Myth or Truth?
1. Reading in the dark is bad for your eyes?
Anyone who reads in the dark gets bad eyesight. A popular myth heard by almost everyone who has read under the covers in dim light. It is true that in poor light, the eyes are more strained and tire more quickly. In short, this is because our pupils get bigger in the dark and the depth of field gets worse. Daylight is best for reading.
2. Does working long hours at the computer make your eyes worse?
Screens accompany our everyday life both at work and in private. It is often said that staring at a computer, cell phone or television makes your eyesight worse. It is true that long hours of computer work tire your eyes. Just as with television, the monotony of viewing is to blame for the strain. Both on the computer and when watching TV, we forget to blink. As a result, the tear film is not sufficiently distributed over the cornea of the eye. Special eye exercises help immediately.
3. "Wearing glasses makes your eyes lazy!"
Anyone who wears glasses can no longer improve their eyesight. Instead, the eyesight is getting worse and worse, says a popular prejudice against glasses. The truth is that your eyes don't deteriorate because you wear glasses. But on the contrary! Wearing glasses prevents or slows down further deterioration in vision, but the visual system is no longer optimally supported and regular training sessions are required.
4. "Stop squinting or your eyes will stop!"
Many people have heard this or a similar saying in their childhood. But can eyes really remain permanently in a certain direction? Very likely not. There is no documented case in which deliberate squinting has led to serious damage. In fact, the opposite is true: if you can move your eyes well, you have a lot of control over them, and we have often forgotten the ability to converge, which can lead to reading problems.
5. Are carrots good for your eyes?
Eating carrots regularly is actually good for your eyes. But anyone who thinks that excessive carrot consumption can improve their eyesight is wrong. carrots and other foods contain valuable beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, which the retina needs to build up the visual pigments rhodopsin and iodopsin. These are necessary for the perception of light.
6. Does too much TV make you get square eyes?
Square eyes is a popular myth that children in particular often hear. It is not possible to change the shape of the eyes, even if you watch television continuously for days. The saying serves more to keep his children from watching too much television. And with good reason! Children's visual systems are still developing and therefore require daily training. Plenty of exercise outdoors and active leisure activities help preventively.
7. Does smoking damage your eyes?
Yes! Smoking not only promotes diseases such as lung cancer, heart attack or stroke, but is also considered the most important risk factor for age-related macular degeneration . There is also evidence that smoking promotes cataracts . Cigarette smoke can impair the tear film that protects the surface of the eye and lead to dry eyes.
8. If you look at the sun too much, you get “sunburn” on your eyes?
Sunburn is not only on the skin, but also on the eyes. However, this is not caused by staying in the sun for too long. Rather, careless handling of solar radiation is responsible for this. Skiers who pay too little attention to their eyes are therefore often affected by "eye sunburn". On the ski slope at the glacier, the snow reflects the strong UV light, so that the eyes get an overdose of UV rays. The surface of the cornea peels off, which causes great pain. You should therefore not only wear sunglasses for cosmetic reasons, but also to protect against UV rays. Even more dangerous is looking directly into the sun without the appropriate protective filter, for example when viewing a solar eclipse. Permanent damage can also remain on the retina.
9. Shouldn't you wear contact lenses when working on a computer?
Many contact lens wearers know this. After a few hours in front of the screen, the lenses become noticeable. This is mainly due to how we work on the computer. As a rule, you blink every ten seconds, which means about 5500 times a day. However, when we sit at the computer, we blink less often. Research shows that to keep our eyes moist and healthy, we blink up to five times less than we should. The slight lack of oxygen and the contact lens lead to unpleasant itching or scratching. The contact lenses are perceived as annoying foreign bodies. For hours of work at the monitor, it is therefore advisable to use the glasses.
10. "Eat with your eyes"
Finally, a myth from a slightly different category! "The eye eats too" is probably one of the favorite phrases of leisure cooks and gourmets. It is a well-known fact that lavishly served and finely draped dishes are not only good for the stomach. Although the eye is not part of the digestive tract and does not process food, it does play an important role in daily food intake. An appetite-stimulating hormone called “ghrelin” is responsible, which is already released when you look at pictures of food – even if you are actually not hungry.
Most eye myths have a core of truth. So don't overdo it by reading, watching TV or staring at the computer for too long. If there is strong UV radiation in the ski area or on summer vacation, make sure you wear sufficiently protective sunglasses and treat your eyes to short active eye relaxation breaks from time to time; in addition to the general health-promoting lifestyle.
In Germany, almost every third person is now short-sighted. This means that looking at the computer, at a book or the newspaper, i.e. "seeing up close" works well, but in the distance these people see only blurred. Myopia can develop when the eyeball grows too long in childhood and adolescence. And when the eyeball loses its spherical shape, the distant image on the retina appears blurry. But constant and long-lasting work nearby can also stimulate the eyeball to grow in length and many people sit in front of the computer for six hours or more a day alone. Even young people are severely affected.
Macular Degeneration (AMD)
is painless. Dry macular degeneration is the most common (about 85 percent of cases). The associated visual impairment develops slowly and is only noticeable in the advanced stage. First, since visual acuity gradually decreases in the center of the field of vision, reading and other work becomes difficult. Therefore, work on it preventively at a young age!
is a clouding or change in refractive power of the originally clear lens of the eye. The lens tissue hardens and thickens, and as a result the image seen loses more and more of its sharpness. It appears to those affected as covered with a dense veil. There is also an increased sensitivity to glare.
A glaucoma (glaucoma)
refers to a group of eye diseases that damage the nerve cells of the light-sensitive retina and the optic nerve (optic nerve) in the advanced stages. In the majority of cases, glaucoma is associated with increased pressure in the eyeball. This occurs when more aqueous humor is formed in the anterior chamber of the eye, where the lens of the eye is located, than can be drained off via the drainage system in the chamber angle.

Das Amsler-Gitter,
Test zur Überwachung von Veränderungen der Netzhaut im Bereich des schärfsten Sehens(der Makula).
Abstand 30-40 cm zum Bildschirm.
Bitte schließen Sie ein Auge,
schauen sie geradeaus
mittig auf den schwarzen Punkt. Sehen sie diesen?
Mit Blick auf diesen Punkt, sehen sie dann das Gitter vollständig?
Sind alle Linien gerade und parallel?
Bei Auffälligkeiten fragen sie bitte auch Ihren Augenarzt um Rat.
Reference since January 2020:
Good vision requires training
Vision trainer Claudia Scheible-Dimou trains students at the KHS Donaueschingen
The increased use of digital media not only demands the visual performance of adults in everyday working life, schoolchildren are increasingly being encouraged not only cognitively by working on screens in class, but unfortunately also physically demanding. In order to prevent visual impairments, young people of the BKEE (vocational college for nutrition and education) of the commercial and home economics schools in Donaueschingen, take part in a multi-part workshop led by the optician and vision trainer Claudia Scheible-Dimou. According to Scheible-Dimou Headaches and blurred vision Alarm signals from the body. The pupils are therefore made aware of incorrect postures in everyday school life. Targeted eye training combined with holistic physical exercises should help to improve both visual performance and concentration in the long term. However, a prerequisite for measurable optimization is regular training. According to the expert, these short lessons could be inserted while waiting at the bus stop in the morning, for example. The students, for their part, rate the vision training quite positively. A student reports that she often suffered from severe headaches in class, and that the targeted exercises made them much weaker. One of her classmates adds that he used to not be able to capture 3D images. In this regard, the workshop had greatly improved his perception, he said proudly at the end of the training session.

Family from Villingen: (May 2020) My daughter (almost 6 years old) suddenly had visual disturbances, first in the form of dots, later also drops and blurred vision. The ophthalmologist found only slight farsightedness. The visual disturbances were not evaluated further, although they were very disturbing at times. A tip from an optician we knew brought us to Ms. Scheible-Dimou, who examined my daughter holistically and found out that the visual disturbances were probably caused by a fall on her knees and a blockage in the body that was caused as a result. The visit to a physiotherapist she recommended revealed a blockage of the sacroiliac joint. This could be solved. After further eye exercises, the visual disturbances disappeared within a few days.