Better vision at work
Health promotion with visual stress at the workplace
Occupational safety for the display workplace
Section 5 of the VDU Ordinance stipulates breaks and alternative activities at regular intervals.
In § 6 BildscharbV it is stated that the regulation on occupational health care applies here.
In the appendix there it is stated that in the event that visual problems are found during a preventive examination, visual aids must be provided for screen work if ordinary (existing) visual aids are not sufficient for this. So if you find yourself in such a situation, you have a right to it.... Basically, it doesn't matter whether employees already wear glasses privately: the moment it becomes apparent that the job is too strenuous for them eyes, affected employees have a legal right to occupational safety and health and safety at work glasses, which are financed by the employer.
When is a VDU workstation declared as such?
A minimum employment period is not specified in the ArbStättV. This means that every workplace that falls under the above definition, regardless of the time component, is to be rated as a VDU workplace.
Further information can be found in DGUV Information 215-410 (previously: BGI 650) "Display and office workstations - design guidelines". This is offered at www.dguv.de/publikationen .
Overview/benefit for your company:
Regular, workplace-related vision training increases visual comfort, measurable visual performance and increases general well-being.
The long-term effects of these holistic measures:
1. Employees are more productive during their working hours.
2. There is less absenteeism due to illness and other health problems.
3. The further training or seminars are often perceived by employees as appreciation and increase satisfaction and motivation in the workforce.
Healthy, better concentrated and motivated employees who make fewer mistakes ensure the long-term success of the company .
A study at the University of Augsburg in 2005 confirmed a steady increase in visual problems caused by screen work.
Visual stress management also means taking breaks for your eyes, preferably with tips from CSeye-fit
Over 80% of our perception is processed through the eyes in our body and that 24/7 even during sleep, the visual impressions and the experiences still have an effect...
So it makes sense not only to train the body - but also the brain, with this enormous visual performance.
Preventive eye training according to CSeye-fit means: getting to know and learning to use optical knowledge in relation to ergonomics at the workplace, tips on how to use the right glasses, and balancing exercises to relax the vegetative nervous system as well as stabilizing eye exercises.
Precision work, body-straining one-sided working postures and visual distances... Stress from long screen work or alternating stress (e.g. in the field: driving under time pressure, preparing offers and checking appointments on the laptop, tablet PC or smartphone) are also areas in which holistic Eye training supported.
Not to forget - many professional groups that deal with the care of people in need
Regardless of whether they are educators in kindergartens, physiotherapists and osteopaths, alternative practitioners... childminders, teachers / educators and parents-to-be, we were able to inspire in seminars. Contact us.
CSeye fit Eye and visual training improves the quality of vision by means of visual analysis and special eye exercises so that no visual stress arises in the first place. It promotes the areas of the visual system that are often only used to a limited extent in practice. The focus is on becoming aware of poor viewing habits and shaping everyday visual life in such a way that the strain on the eyes is reduced to a minimum or avoided altogether.
In informative impulse lectures, seminars and workshops, you will get to know CSeye-fit eye training and eye relaxation techniques.
We support health days e.g
with a visual parcour.
Video basic exercises and newsletters, as well as regular eye workouts, round off the offer in the long term. I would be happy to put together an individual CSeye package for you .